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What precautions should be taken for the storage and maintenance of Filtered Pipette Tips?

In the fields of life sciences, medical diagnosis, chemical analysis and biotechnology, pipetting is an indispensable part of daily experiments. In order to ensure the accuracy of experiments and avoid cross-contamination, the use of pipette tips with filters (Filtered Pipette Tips) has become a standard practice. These specially designed tips have built-in filter membranes that can effectively prevent particles in the sample from entering the pipette or contaminating subsequent samples. However, proper storage and maintenance are essential to maintain the performance and extend the service life of Filtered Pipette Tips.
1. Storage environment
Temperature and humidity: Filtered Pipette Tips should be stored in a dry, cool, light-proof and temperature-stable environment to prevent moisture, deformation or aging of the filter membrane. Avoid extreme high or low temperatures to avoid affecting material properties.
Cleanliness: The storage area should be kept clean and dust-free to reduce potential contamination of dust and microorganisms to the tips. Use sealed containers or original packaging for storage to prevent external contaminants from entering.
Avoid stacking: Long-term stacking may cause the tips to deform or the filter membrane to be damaged, so they should be stored flat as much as possible or in a dedicated storage rack.
2. Handling after opening
Immediate use: Once opened, it is recommended to use the Filtered Pipette Tips as soon as possible to reduce the risk of contamination caused by long-term exposure to air.
Reseal: If it cannot be used immediately after opening, it should be resealed in the original packaging bag or a clean sealed container to keep it dry and clean.
3. Inspection before use
Visual inspection: Carefully check the appearance of each pipette tip before use to ensure that there is no damage, deformation or contamination. Pay special attention to whether the filter membrane is intact.
Performance test (optional): For key experiments, a simple performance test can be performed, such as checking for leaks or abnormal suction by aspirating a small amount of water or buffer.
4. Precautions during use
Avoid excessive pressure: During pipetting, avoid applying excessive pressure to prevent the filter membrane from breaking or the pipette tip from deforming.
Disposable use: Filtered Pipette Tips are usually designed for single use and should be discarded after use. They cannot be reused to avoid cross contamination.
Specialized pipette: It is recommended to use a dedicated pipette that matches the Filtered Pipette Tips to ensure optimal sealing and operating performance.
5. Care and Maintenance
Pipette cleaning: Clean the pipette regularly, especially the part that contacts the tip, to prevent residue accumulation and affect the use effect.
Storage container cleaning: The container or bag used to store Filtered Pipette Tips should also be cleaned regularly to avoid becoming a source of contamination.
Record and traceability: For experimental environments that require strict control, it is recommended to record the storage, use and disposal of Filtered Pipette Tips to facilitate quality traceability and problem analysis.