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How to avoid clogging and extend the service life when using Filtered Pipette Tips?

Filtered Pipette Tips are one of the indispensable tools in laboratory work. They not only ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experiment, but also protect the experimenters and samples from contamination. However, clogging and damage are common problems in the process of using filter tips, which not only affects the progress of the experiment, but also increases the cost of the experiment.
1. Understand the working principle of filter tips
Filter tips are usually made of materials such as polypropylene, and are equipped with a filter inside to prevent particles and impurities in the liquid from entering the pipette. The pore size of the filter is usually between 0.1μm and 0.5μm, which can effectively filter out tiny particles such as bacteria, cell debris, and dust. Understanding the working principle of filter tips can help us use them better and avoid clogging and damage due to improper operation.
2. Correctly choose filter tips
Choose the appropriate capacity and type according to experimental needs
Different experiments require filter tips of different capacities. When choosing filter tips, you should choose the appropriate capacity according to the liquid volume required for the experiment, and avoid using tips that are too large or too small. In addition, the appropriate type should be selected according to the nature of the experiment, such as ordinary filter tips, low adsorption filter tips, sterile filter tips, etc.
Choose reliable products
Reliable quality filter tips can ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experiment, and also extend the service life. When choosing filter tips, you should choose products from well-known brands, and pay attention to the quality certification and instructions of the products. In addition, you can also choose cost-effective filter tips by comparing products from different brands.
3. Correct use of filter tips
Avoid excessive aspiration
When using filter tips to absorb liquid, avoid excessive aspiration. Excessive aspiration can cause liquid to enter the inside of the pipette and damage the pipette and filter tips. Generally speaking, the amount of aspiration should not exceed 80% of the capacity of the filter tip.
Avoid aspiration too fast
Aspiration too fast will generate greater pressure, which can easily cause the filter tip to clog. When using filter tips to absorb liquid, press the pipette button slowly to control the aspiration speed and avoid excessive pressure.
Avoid aspiration too deep
When aspirating liquid, avoid inserting the filter tip too deep into the liquid. Too deep insertion can cause particles and impurities in the liquid to enter the filter tip and clog the filter. Generally speaking, the insertion depth of the filter tip should not exceed 2-3mm from the surface of the liquid.
Avoid contact with solid particles
When using the filter tip to absorb liquid, avoid contact with solid particles. Solid particles will clog the filter and affect the filtering effect. If there are solid particles in the liquid, you can filter or centrifuge the liquid first, remove the solid particles, and then use the filter tip to absorb the liquid.
4. Correctly clean and store the filter tip
Cleaning the filter tip
After using the filter tip, it should be cleaned in time. You can use distilled water or deionized water to rinse the filter tip to remove residual liquid and impurities. If the filter tip is seriously contaminated, you can use an appropriate detergent to clean it, but be careful to avoid using corrosive detergents such as strong acids and strong alkalis.
Storing filter tips
The cleaned filter tips should be stored in a dry, clean place, away from direct sunlight and high temperature environment. The filter tip can be placed in a sealed container or wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent dust and impurities from entering. In addition, care should be taken to avoid placing filter tips together with sharp objects to avoid damaging the filter.
Correct selection, use, cleaning and storage of filter tips can effectively avoid clogging and extend service life. In laboratory work, we should develop good operating habits and use filter tips strictly in accordance with operating procedures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experiment. At the same time, we should also choose filter tips with reliable quality and regularly check and replace damaged tips to ensure the smooth progress of the experiment.